8 National Book Trust books you should get for your child

national book trust books

National Book Trust does not only have a vast variety of books on a number of topics from history and politics to those grandparents’ stories that you miss, but the books also have extremely low prices Illustrated titles, translated titles, and textbooks. you name it, and you’ll probably find it there. Every Indian kid up till millennials have had a bunch of NBT books, and this tradition should be continued. Here are a few books you can start your child’s collection with.

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Which has been your favourite National Book Trust book as a kid? Comment away below!

India Post: A Journey Through Ages

Title: India Post: A Journey Through Ages

Author: Arvind Kumar SIngh

Publisher: National Book Trust

Price: 280

Pages: 485


The developed and organized structure of the Indian postal
system that we see today is an outcome of a journey of
thousands years. The Indian postal system has contributed
significantly towards cultural exchange, growth in business
and domestic economy, and social unification in a vast and
diverse country like India. Even in this age of Internet, the
importance of words filled with emotions written on a post
card has not diminished.

Though this network is more than 150 years old, it is
still facing challenges from the communication revolution.
Lakhs of workers of this network not only reach the common
man on the joyous or sad occasion but also are the source
of income for countless homes.

Written in easy and lucid style, the book with rare
pictures, gives an insight into the various stages of
development, functioning and modernization of India Post.

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Understanding Adolescence

Title: Understanding Adolescence

Author: Neerja Sharma

Publisher: National Book Trust

Price: 95

Pages: 136


Written in a simple and lucid manner, this book for the
11-18 age-group will be of interest to adolescents, youth,
parents and others who wish to know more about the
difficult transition period between childhood and
adulthood. Besides discussing physical and sexual
maturation, intelligence and morality, changes in
personality and emotions, parent-child conflicts, identity
crisis and delinquency, other issues confronting
adolescents, such as dilemma about the future, have
also been highlighted keeping in view the diversity in
cultural and socio-economic experiences of adolescents
hailing from urban, rural and tribal environments.

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Sri Aurobindo For The Young

Title: Sri Aurobindo For The Young

Author: Ramesh Bijlani

Publisher: National Book Trust

Price: 155

Pages: 86


Sri Aurobindo was a freedom fighter, a writer and a philosopher, but above all, he was a spiritual master. He was a spiritual master who was rooted in tradition, but not restricted by it. His teachings were radical and rational, and he had a rare knack for rationalizing even the experiential truths that are beyond the realm of reason. His vision was futuristic, and he gave the hope and optimism for a better world in not too distant a future. His vision of the future was based not on wishful thinking, but on the deepest truths of existence. He also gave a blueprint for the bright future that awaits mankind. The agents of that change, obviously, will be the youth of today. Therefore, his teachings need to be taken to the youth, for whom they are the most relevant. Sri Aurobindo for the Young, which is being published as a part of the celebrations of the 150th Birth Anniversary of Sri Aurobindo and the 75th Anniversary of India’s Independence, is a highly readable blend of Sri Aurobindo life, works and vision

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A Visit To The City Market

Title: A Visit To The City Market

Author: Manjula Padmanabhan

Publisher: National Book Trust

Price: 80

Pages: 16


The author narrates the experiences of a brother and a sister as they go around in the market place in the course of a day. The diversity of our land is also brought alive in the images.

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Buddha for the Young

Title: Buddha for the Young

Author: Sabyasachi Bhattacharya

Publisher: National Book Trust

Price: 60

Pages: 63


What is relevant today in the life of Buddha who died
more than 2,500 years ago? We should be able to judge
this for ourselves. But the opportunity to know about
him, so that we can make that judgement, has to be
offered. That is why this book which puts together
Buddha’s own words about his life.

Dr. Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, formerly Vice-Chancellor
of Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, now teaches
history at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
“There is a need for such a book in India where
Buddha is a sacred memory-overlaid with legends.
While travelling in China and Japan I perceived a
similar need in these countries where Buddhism has
left a more permanent cultural imprint. What is more,
a fast-changing world brings about changes in our
ideas about the past and what it means… Unlike books
by and for specialists, this book speaks to the young
people, such as my own daughter,” says the author.
Written for the young, it may be of interest to readers
of any age.

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All Time Stories for Children

Title: All Time Stories for Children

Author: Savithri Pandiyan

Publisher: National Book Trust

Price: 90

Pages: 52


A fine compilation of five wonderful stories for children with beautiful illustrations brought together by Savithri Pandiya and Arya Praharaj.

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Some Street Games of India

Title: Some Street Games of India

Author: Mulk Raj Anand

Publisher: National Book Trust

Price: 45

Pages: 32


A recapitulation of some of the common games played on the streets of India by young children. Illustrated in four colours by Badri Narayan.

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Birju's Problem

Title: Birju's Problem

Author: Soma Kaushik

Publisher: National Book Trust

Price: 50

Pages: 20


A beautiful story about Birju, who lands into one trouble after another. Finally his honesty comes to rescue him and wins him recognition too!

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Picture of Amritesh Mukherjee

Amritesh Mukherjee

Amritesh doesn't know what to do with his life, so he writes. He also doesn't know what to write, so he reads. Gift him a book if you chance upon him and he'll love you forever.

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