unBlock Meetup 101

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We kickstarted our second event series after Filmi Keeda, with unBlock 101, a meetup for aspiring authors and creative writers to come and, well, write; get live feedback and return with actual tips that they can apply to their next draft.

In unBlock Meetup 101, held in September 2019, we gave the participants three prompts and one hour to write, followed by a peer-feedback session where stories were exchanged with fellow writers.

The writers toiled away, without excuses or complaints, at their creative writing pieces, followed by feedback and tips on their work, which was moderated by co-founder, and author, Saurabh Garg.

The conversation flew from the joy of writing and how writing on a daily basis can make it feel like work, writing as a hobby or a vocation to genres, recommended reads, inspired writing from various movie plots and real life incidents, the nuances of creative writing and roadblocks you face on your journey as a writer.

Some of the recommended reads discussed were:

Undelivered Letters by J. Alchem
The works of Charles Bukowski
Dusk by Saki
Gun by Anton Chekov
The Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell
Shape of Stories by Kurt Vonnegut
The Mimitic Theory by Renee Gerard

All in all, it was a great start to the Sunday. A big thank you to our venue partner, Khar Social, for having us.

For updates on our upcoming events, follow us on social media.

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Picture of Jessica Joshi

Jessica Joshi

Jessica is a freelance writer, avid reader and former Assistant Sub Editor and Head of Operations and Strategy at Purple Pencil Project. She conceptualised and anchored the unBlock event series.

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