unBlock Meetup 104

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Anecdotes, writing suggestions, book recommendations – unBlock Meetup 104 had it all.

Poets, screenwriters, speech writers, fashion bloggers, non-fiction writers and content writers alike worked tirelessly on prompts provided by us along with materials of their own.

The result was mixing up of prompts into one story arc, an open mic poem on environmental issues, outlines of scenes, a rap poem.

Among several writing techniques discussed and suggestions shared were the show don’t tell technique and its importance, sequential placing and opening with dialogue, not feeding too much information to the reader at the beginning of the story, the tick tock technique and perhaps the most important – as a reader, would one like to read what they wrote?

Author Saurabh Garg stressed on the importance of writing every day and getting feedback from varied people. He also shared insightful, valuable tips like how to build the tension in a plot and drop it to keep the reader intrigued, how essential it is for a reader to love the character and many others.

Another Sunday for a writers’ unBlock.

Thank you for having us Bound.


Watch what the participants of unBlock104 have to say about the meetup, the kind of feedback they got and what value it added to them as writers.

Videography and edited by Grey Pixel.

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Picture of Jessica Joshi

Jessica Joshi

Jessica is a freelance writer, avid reader and former Assistant Sub Editor and Head of Operations and Strategy at Purple Pencil Project. She conceptualised and anchored the unBlock event series.

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