8 delightful children’s books for young readers to relish

children's books about food

Engaging, interesting, delicious-looking books are essential for kids to lure them to the wondrous world of books. And if food is there too in the story, it becomes a perfect match at times. So here’s a list of foodie children’s books that you can enjoy reading with your child, and maybe you’d gobble them up […]

8 charming picture books for your child’s first read

picture books

“A picture is worth a thousand words” is a cliche for a reason. Visuals are a language, entirely by themselves. So what better way for your children to start their reading journey than these picture books that transcend the barriers of language and regions? Click on the book covers for more details. Which picture books […]

8 easy cooking course books aspiring chefs should read

a list about cooking course books

Want to be a chef? Here’s a list of books curated especially for you. Whether you want to learn the art of cooking better or go the professional route, you’re certainly going to find something here, in each of these cooking course books. Do you have suggestions for more cooking course resources? Drop them into […]

20 Delicious Indian Cookbooks for the Chef In You

list of indian cook books

You can prepare all the pasta in the world or variations of ramen and Maggi, but the comfort and flavour of homecooked, authentic Indian food will never be matched by them. There are a lot of cooking videos that are available on Youtube, but again, the charm of cookbooks is unique. Imagine the days when […]

Indian Food Culture: 12 Essential Books You Cannot Miss

list of books about Indian food culture

Food is not just some matter required to keep the human body going but a language of a culture. The way the food is prepared at weddings, birthdays, funerals, etc tells what a culture thinks about the idea of life. The ingredients used in a cuisine talk about both the history and the geography of […]

Spook and supernatural: 10 horror books you simply cannot miss

a list of horror books written by indian authors

Horror stories and by extension, horror books, are possibly old as storytelling itself. Death, the supernatural, the afterlife, the fear of the unknown – by nature, horror speaks to one of the most primal human emotions. Especially ancient cultures, like those in India, are replete with these stories, even if the motifs and mythologies that […]

Aashit Chatterjee on reading, cinema in the era of digital platforms, and more

bollywood actor aashit chatterjee about reading and films on the digital platform

The Bollywood filmmaker spoke to us as part of the Bundelkhand Literature Festival 2022, about reading, the rise of digital platforms and the changing nature of cinema, his favourite fim adaptations of books, and much more. Excerpts. How is it like to participate in the Bundelkhand Literature Festival? In a time where reading loses its […]

Delhi Books: read through the city known for its street food

featured image for a conclusive list of Delhi books

Delhi serves a cornucopia of history, culture, cuisine, commerce and street life, with countless sights and activities to keep visitors thoroughly engaged. It is a place that not only touches your pulse but even fastens it to a frenetic speed. Home to millions of dreams, the city takes on unprecedented responsibilities of realizing dreams bringing […]

Haryana: Books on and about the land of the Mahabharata War

featured image for the list of books on and about Haryana

With the tagline, “Desa mein des Haryana, jit dudh dahi ka khana” (trans. Haryana is one of the best states where people love milk and milk products), Haryana is the Indian state that is known for its achievements in agriculture, industrialization and flourishing art and culture. From being referred to as ‘heaven on earth’ in […]