15 Recommended Translated Classic Literature in India

list of translated classic literature

Team P3 curates a list of translated classic literature in India recommended for all classics-lovers Reading classics is a fascinating experience in that those books don’t just whisper to you stories written decades, if not centuries, ago but also help you better appreciate the history and culture of a region. The Indian states differ remarkably […]

14 Recommended Translated Poetry Books in India

list of translated poetry books

Team P3 curates a list of recommended translated poetry books in India for your TBR list! There are few mediums as concise and precise to convey your emotions as poetry, which is why translating one becomes doubly difficult a task. Unlike prose, verses often use the reader’s knowledge of the language to play with it, […]

19 Indian Literature Books through the Decades: The 1990s!

Indian literature books

Team P3 curates a list of recommended reads from Indian Literature Books through the decades focusing on the 1990s. This was the decade of economic liberalization, this was also the decade of the Babri demolition, this was the decade of political uncertainties, this was also the decade of new socio-economic certainties. As Dickens’ legendary quote […]

12 Recommended Post-Emergency Indian Literature: The 1980s


Team P3 curates a list of recommended post-emergency Indian literature for your TBR list. The country was at the precipice of change: the Emergency was issued in the previous decade itself, and political volatility was as high as it could be. The regional arts and culture were seeping into the mainstream, and how! Not just […]

18 Books Tracing Indian History Timeline Through the Decades: The 1970s

Team P3 curates a list of recommended reads that take you through the Indian History Timeline in the 1970s. The 1970s in India was a pivotal decade marked by significant political, economic, and cultural shifts. On the one hand, the banks were nationalized and a state of emergency was declared by Indira Gandhi, state-led development […]

15 Must-Read Indian Mythological Women Writers

Indian Mythological Women Writers

Team P3 curates a list of the top 15 Indian Mythological Women Writers that are a must-read for all mythology lovers. Mythology, like many other fields, has been a place crowded by men. Whether it comes to stories, our obsession with heroes and fighters is evident in the way they’re seen in the larger mainstream […]

Indian Literature Through the Decades: The 1950s!


Team P3 curates a list of post-Independence Indian literature that includes books from the decade of 1950s for your TBR. India is a vast conglomeration of cultures, histories, stories, and dialects, and trying to define that is a task easier said than done. We continue to try looking at post-independence literature through its decades with […]

11 Books from the 1940s: Indian Literature Through the Decades

Indian History Books

Team P3 curates a list of Indian History Books that take you through Indian literature through the decades, focusing on the 1940s. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Indian literature is limitless, almost impossible to contain or define in particular constraints. The sheer number of languages, historical contexts, genres, and innovations that Indian […]

20 Recommended Mythology Books for Children

mythology books for children

Team P3 curates a list of recommended mythology books for children in India which are a must-have in your list. India has had a rich heritage of mythological epics and folklore over the centuries. These stories have mesmerized audiences, both old and young, through generations. For younger readers, these stories not only offer a glimpse […]