8 Inspiring must-read books for the children’s bookshelf

must read books

As they say, change begins at home. And rightly so! The way we shape people around us, and the way we shape ourselves determine how society is shaped in the longer run. Here are a few must-read books that help bring that change a little closer, helping you and the kids in your life to […]

8 Indian young adult books you should checkout

young adult literature in india

With a rising number of books and readers in the YA or the Young Adults category, you might wonder, why read a book on teens? For one, if you’re a teen yourself, you can find comfort and strength in stories of characters that resonate with your own story. If you’re an adult, you can find […]

Daisy Rockwell: Translations, the Booker prize and the way ahead

daisy rockwell

Team Purple Pencil Project spoke to Daisy Rockwell at the Jaipur Literature Festival this year held in January 2023 at Jaipur, the 2022 Booker Prize-winning translator for her work Tomb of Sand (Originally written in Hindi by Geetanjali Shree as Ret Samadhi). Daisy Rockwell is an American Hindi and Urdu language translator and artist. She […]

8 Comfort books all about grandmothers and their sweetness

feature image for a list of books featuring grandmothers

Grandmothers. Often the person who saves you from the scoldings of your parents and even your grandfather. Be it your maternal grandmother, who stuffs you with many homemade sweets whenever you go to visit, or your paternal grandmother spoiling you with too much love, the relationship is one of the sweetest ones. And, grandmothers and […]

8 Best non-fiction books for kids making learning fun

non-fiction books for kids

If it’s important to introduce kids to the varied types of stories and characters for better understanding and acceptance for people, it is equally essential to introduce them to the history and general knowledge subjects. Here’s a list of non-fiction books curated by P3 to compliment the curriculum. Click on the book cover for more […]

Difference Between Fantasy and Sci-fi in Indian Literature


When it comes to literature, one of the most common genres you’ll discover is speculative fiction. For the unaware, this umbrella term covers a wide range of sub-genres, including fantasy and science fiction or sci-fi, as it is popularly known. While both sub-genres have unique characteristics and appeal to different types of readers, they are […]

20 Best Sci-Fi Books by Indian Authors

Sci-fi by Indian Authors

Searching for the best books in sci-fi by Indian authors? You’ve come to the perfect place, for we will look at an exhaustive list of Indian science fiction through the years. From classics to contemporary, from regional literature to mainstream titles, we’re going to look at it all in this article. Without further delay, let’s […]

8 Vivid and irresistible Indian fantasy books for children

list of indian fantasy books for kids to read

Did you await a Hogwarts letter on your eleventh birthday too? Did you long to visit the wizarding world somehow, someday? Was it your childhood too? If yes, there’s a good solid chance you’ll love our recommendations here (and find a new world to inhabit in the process). Not only are these stories fanciful flights […]

8 Must-have vibrant children’s poetry books

children's poetry book list

Why just read stories when you can sing them? All these children’s poetry books are sure to be a great companion for a night (or day, or evening, or afternoon) of reading and singing, even better with children to increase the decibels and fun. Click on the book cover for more details. Which is your […]

8 National Book Trust books you should get for your child

national book trust books

National Book Trust does not only have a vast variety of books on a number of topics from history and politics to those grandparents’ stories that you miss, but the books also have extremely low prices Illustrated titles, translated titles, and textbooks. you name it, and you’ll probably find it there. Every Indian kid up […]