A Racy Edge-of-the-Seat Thriller: Tears of the Dragon Leaves You Asking for More!

tears of the dragon book review

Sneha Pathak reviews Tears of the Dragon by Ankush Saikia, a racy edge-of-the-seat thriller that leaves you asking for more. First, there were the gentlemen detectives with their cigars and their grey cells. Then came the spies with gazettes in one arm and a dry martini in the other. And then were the PIs, hard-boiled […]

Black River : A Deadly combination of murder and mayhem

book review of the film black river by nilanjana roy

Sneha Pathak reviews Nilanjana S Roy’s Black River (Context, 2022) which masquerades as a police procedural, a thriller, and a suspense novel. What attracted me first to Nilanjana S Roy’s Black River was its cover. Done in swirls of inky blue and punctuated with lighter shades of the same colour with the title standing out […]

Obsessed with true crime? Check out these 15 books, perfect for binge-reading

a black background with true crime books written in bold text - a list of true crime books in India

Everyone loves true crime stories for a myriad of reasons – the love of puzzle solving, the insight into the human mind, the shock of the absurdity of the human mind. Be it podcasts, TV series, films, or books; true crime has emerged as a popular genre over the last few years. Think Truman Capote’s […]

The Artists Become the Muses: Books About Movies You Must Read

feature image for books about movies with a dancer on a big screen

Love films? Why not give these 8 books about movies a chance and dive into the good, the glamourous, and the down right scandalous world of the film industry? It would not be wrong to say that literature and cinema are two sides of the same coin. The tradition of adapting books to screen goes […]

Glory and decadence: Narach by Debarati Mukhopadhyay, now in English

review of a book by debarati mukhopadhyay, featuring a cover image with the book cover and a quote from the review

A lot of things about the blurb and the first chapter of Chronicles of the Lost Daughters by Debarati Mukhopadhyay (translated by Arunava Sinha from Bengali, and published by Harper Collins India) remind you of Sea of Poppies by Amitav Ghosh. The blurb refers to a family who “end up in an overcrowded depot near […]

How Bookstagram Has Affected My Reading


#Bookstagram happens to be one of the most dedicated communities to reading and books. It is that corner of social media which book nerds, readers, booklovers and book hoarders are known to frequent. I joined the bookstagram bandwagon almost two years ago and have been an avid member of the community ever since. And looking […]

Voices in the Valley by Suravi Sharma Kumar

Voices in the Valley

Suravi Sharma Kumar’s Voices in the Valley is a book that takes its readers to the beautiful yet angst-ridden state of Assam and covers a period of almost 50 years in the life of the state as well as the novel’s protagonist Millie, as she moves from being a young girl to a nuanced politician. […]

Tales from the Himalayas by Priyanka Pradhan

Tales from the Himalayas

Tales from the Himalayas is a collection of seventeen short tales set in the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand, published by Rupa publications. These stories, borrowed from Pradhan’s childhood of listening to her grandmother’s stories, feature young ones as their main characters, who indulge in mischief, learn lessons and go about enjoying their carefree life in […]

The Man from Chinnamasta by Indira Goswami

The Man from Chinnamasta

The Man from Chinnamasta by Mamoni Raisom Goswami (popularly known as Indira Goswami) was published in 2005 in Assamese under the title “Chinnamastar Manuhto” and created a furore upon its publication because of its central theme – a cry to put an end to the ancient practice of animal sacrifices in the Kamakhya temple. It […]