15 Brilliant Indian Political Books for your TBR

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Amritesh Mukherjee curates a list of recommended Indian Political Books for your TBR to help you understand India better.

In Indian political discourse, where ideologies clash, and narratives get twisted, the written word is often the best way to understand the ebb and flow of this nation’s democratic journey.

In this curated selection of the best political books, we have collected works that capture the different aspects of Indian politics, from its bureaucracy to the different philosophies that have shaped our nation.

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These political books, with their diverse perspectives, help you understand the Indian socio-political fabric in all its hues and colors.

Recommended Reads : Book Review: Zen by Shabnam Minwalla

Ready to scout the diverse shades of the world’s largest democracy? Hop along!

List of Brilliant Indian Political Books

The Discovery of India

Title: The Discovery of India

Author: Jawaharlal Nehru

Publisher: Penguin India

Price: 435

Pages: 656


Topping our list of Political Books is this brilliant book.

In The Discovery of India, Nehru takes you through the subcontinent’s past, intermixing historical events with an exploration of its cultural essence.

As India’s inaugural Prime Minister, Nehru doesn’t limit himself to recounting facts but creates a story that brings the nation’s history to life. The book is more than a conventional historical account. It’s a thoughtful expedition into questions of identity, spirituality, and the evolution of civilizations.
Nehru’s prose finds the perfect balance between intelligence and accessibility that forces you to reflect on India’s past and present (and future) for a nuanced comprehension of this nation’s complex character.

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India After Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy

Title: India After Gandhi: The History of the World's Largest Democracy

Author: Ramchandra Guha

Publisher: Picador India

Price: 660

Pages: 988


Next on our list of Indian Political Books is this brilliant book.

The post-independence story of India is presented here with scholarly depth and narrative finesse. Guha, a maestro of historical storytelling, explores the complex labyrinth of India’s modern history, charting the nation’s evolution from the ashes of colonialism to a democratic giant.

The work, exhaustively researched, while being a chronicle of political events, is also a journal of social, economic, and cultural shifts. Guha’s engaging prose combines intellectual rigor with accessible storytelling. From the tumultuous early years to contemporary challenges, the book guides you toward a nuanced understanding of India’s journey in the aftermath of its independence.

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The Argumentative Indian

Title: The Argumentative Indian

Author: Amartya Sen

Publisher: Amartya Sen's The Argumentative Indian is a comprehensive understanding of India's intellectual heritage and its relevance in the contemporary world. Sen, a Nobel laureate, talks of the complex landscape of Indian thought with clarity and refinement. Through a series of essays, the book looks at the diversity of India's traditions, from philosophy to literature, showing the nation's history of robust debates and intellectual pluralism. Sen not only celebrates the richness of Indian intellectual life but also addresses its challenges. His accessible writing compels you to engage with the nuanced web ideas that have shaped India and brings out his appreciation for the vibrancy of India's intellectual tradition.

Price: 419

Pages: 432


Next on our list of Indian Political Books is this brilliant book.

Amartya Sen’s The Argumentative Indian is a comprehensive understanding of India’s intellectual heritage and its relevance in the contemporary world. Sen, a Nobel laureate, talks of the complex landscape of Indian thought with clarity and refinement.

Through a series of essays, the book looks at the diversity of India’s traditions, from philosophy to literature, showing the nation’s history of robust debates and intellectual pluralism.
Sen not only celebrates the richness of Indian intellectual life but also addresses its challenges. His accessible writing compels you to engage with the nuanced web ideas that have shaped India and bring out his appreciation for the vibrancy of India’s intellectual tradition.

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India: From Midnight to the Millenium

Title: India: From Midnight to the Millenium

Author: Shashi Tharoor

Publisher: Penguin India

Price: 307

Pages: 389


Next on our list of Indian Political Books is this brilliant book.

Another journey through the nation’s post-independence trajectory, this time through the eyes of Shashi Tharoor, a seasoned diplomat, politician, and writer. He creates a narrative that captures the zeitgeist from the stroke of midnight in 1947 to the threshold of the new millennium.

Tharoor’s writing makes the complex socio-economic and political shifts digestible for a larger readership.
The book is a blend of personal anecdotes, historical analysis, and a discerning eye on India’s global positioning for a nuanced understanding of the challenges and triumphs that have shaped the nation.

From Midnight to the Millennium is a reflective exploration of India’s identity, intricacies, and its place on the global stage. It’s a must-read to learn the multifaceted journey of post-independence India.

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Democracy on the Road

Title: Democracy on the Road

Author: Ruchir Sharma

Publisher: Allen Lane

Price: 510

Pages: 400


Democracy on the Road by Ruchir Sharma is a thrilling study of India’s political landscape during its election season. With a perceptive gaze towards the world’s largest democracy, Sharma offers you a front-row seat to the electoral spectacle that is India.

The book is a travelogue, documenting Sharma’s journeys during election campaigns, and also a collection of insights into the political dynamics that create this nation.

Next on our list of Indian Political Books is this brilliant book.

Through anecdotes, interviews, and statistical analysis, he creates a narrative finding the pulse of Indian democracy. The book demystifies the complexities of Indian politics for both novices and enthusiasts through journalistic observation and analytical depth. As India struggles with the complexities of its democratic process, this book is a guide with a ringside view of the electoral theater that defines the nation.

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The Ultimate Goal: A Former R&AW Chief Deconstructs How Nations Construct Narratives

Title: The Ultimate Goal: A Former R&AW Chief Deconstructs How Nations Construct Narratives

Author: Vikram Sood

Publisher: Harper India

Price: 481

Pages: 304


Next on our list of Indian Political Books is this brilliant book.

Explore international intelligence and the strategic construction of narratives through The Ultimate Goal! Drawing on his experience as the former chief of India’s external intelligence agency, the R&AW, Sood analyses how nations shape and control narratives for both domestic and global influence. He dissects the concept of ‘the narrative,’ showing its role in bolstering a country’s strength and geopolitical position.

The book shows how intelligence agencies have been molding narratives through various mediums such as literature, history, art, and media throughout the twentieth century.

The book has immense contemporary relevance, thanks to narrative construction in the digital age, where social media is a battleground for manipulating, countering, or disrupting narratives. The book shows the role of intelligence agencies in navigating this new terrain by spreading disinformation and provoking reactions.

The book must be read to understand the strategic dimensions of statecraft and the role of intelligence agencies in shaping nation-defining narratives.

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The India Way: Strategies for an Uncertain World

Title: The India Way: Strategies for an Uncertain World

Author: S. Jaishankar

Publisher: HarperCollins India

Price: 323

Pages: 248


Next on our list of Indian Political Books is this brilliant book.

The India Way sees S. Jaishankar, India’s Minister of External Affairs, analyse the complexities of an evolving global order. With the backdrop of the pandemic, Afghanistan, and geopolitical tensions, Jaishankar identifies ‘One Trend and Four Shocks’ as reshaping the international landscape.

This analysis shows heightened global anxiety, placing India on the road to emerge as a leading power. Jaishankar’s examination, rooted in history and tradition, presents a nuanced approach that balances national interests with international responsibilities.

A timely and compelling read, the book provides valuable perspectives on India’s role in shaping future geopolitical dynamics.

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The Emergency: A Personal History

Title: The Emergency: A Personal History

Author: Coomi Kapoor

Publisher: Penguin Books Limited

Price: 312

Pages: 400


Next on our list of Indian Political Books is this brilliant book.

The Emergency: A Personal History is an expose of the suspension of democracy in 1975 India. Kapoor, a young journalist at the time, recounts the horrors of the nineteen-month Emergency under Indira Gandhi.

With sharp writing, she brings out the forced sterilizations, mass evictions, and the imprisonment of opposition leaders that marked the era. Kapoor’s journalistic precision and human empathy make this book more searing and hitting than many other Emergency accounts.

It’s an investigation through the dark alleys of history, unchecked power, and a cautionary tale that reflects on democracy’s fragile foundations.

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The Free Voice: On Democracy, Culture and the Nation

Title: The Free Voice: On Democracy, Culture and the Nation

Author: Ravish Kumar

Publisher: Speaking Tiger Publishing Pvt Ltd

Price: 300

Pages: 216


Next on our list of Indian Political Books is this brilliant book.

In a nation where journalistic voices are increasingly subdued, Kumar’s work shows the enduring power of a free press. The Free Voice is not merely a critique but a rallying cry for restoring democratic values. It confronts the unsettling truth that, in contemporary India, the lapdog media remains a safe place within the echoing chambers of authority.
A society once fueled by dialogue and debate now struggles with the corrosive forces of hate and intolerance.

The Free Voice is a necessary and timely exploration of why this transformation has occurred and how the pillars of democracy—elected representatives, media, and institutions—have faltered. Ravish Kumar’s fearless exploration of the nation’s challenges is a call to action—a reminder that the battle for a free voice must be fought with urgency and determination.

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24 Akbar Road: A Short History of the People Behind the Fall and the Rise of the Congress

Title: 24 Akbar Road: A Short History of the People Behind the Fall and the Rise of the Congress

Author: Rasheed Kidwai

Publisher: Hachette India Local

Price: 399

Pages: 344


Next on our list of Indian Political Books is this brilliant book.

24 Akbar Road by Rasheed Kidwai is the story of the Congress party’s iconic headquarters. Kidwai traces the historical footsteps of Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, and other leaders who shaped India’s political landscape.

The book is a chronicle of the Congress party’s metamorphoses that interlace the building’s architectural evolution with the party’s ideological shifts, presenting a story of power, decisions, and shifting fortunes.

In this work, he uses the physical address as a symbol to see through the heart of Indian politics and probe the ebb and flow of the Congress party’s legacy.

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The Verdict: Decoding India's Elections

Title: The Verdict: Decoding India's Elections

Author: Prannoy Roy and Dorab R. Sopariwala

Publisher: Vintage Books

Price: 362

Pages: 304


The Verdict explores India’s electoral landscape with all its complexities and struggles. Published on the cusp of the nation’s general elections, the book dissects the core factors influencing electoral outcomes, challenging preconceptions and catching the pulse of Indian democracy.

Through rigorous psephology and undisclosed facts, Roy and Sopariwala chart the labyrinth of India’s electoral history from 1952 to the then-impending 2019 elections.

With an eye on the nuances of anti-incumbency, the ‘fear factor,’ and the evolving democratic process, the book provides statistics and crucial insights for anyone attracted by the multifaceted perspectives of Indian politics.

The Verdict is an essential guide for decoding the heartbeat of the Indian electoral process.

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India that is Bharat

Title: India that is Bharat

Author: J Sai Deepak

Publisher: Bloomsbury India

Price: 561

Pages: 484


This first volume in a thought-provoking trilogy is a journey through India’s history that examines the web of influences that shaped its post-colonial identity.

It studies the underpinnings of ‘colonial consciousness,’ dissecting its religious and racial origins that linger in the successor state of Bharat. From Christopher Columbus’ voyage in 1492 to the Government of India Act of 1919, it travels across international events. Unraveling the roots of ‘toleration,’ ‘secularism,’ and ‘humanism’ in Christian political theology, the book shows how they reshaped Bharat’s indigenous consciousness through a secularized Reformation—constitutionalism.

The book asserts ‘decoloniality’ as a civilizational imperative, urging liberation across nature, religion, culture, history, education, language, and constitutionalism. Mixing historical analysis and intellectual discourse, India, That Is Bharat takes you through Bharat’s evolution and contemplates reclaiming its indigeneity.

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Indian Nationalism: The Essential Writings

Title: Indian Nationalism: The Essential Writings

Author: Edited by S. Irfan Habib

Publisher: Aleph Book Company

Price: 514

Pages: 296


Indian Nationalism explores the idea of nationalism in India’s history. Habib looks at different aspects of nationalism and how it’s not some recent or narrow idea. He goes back to the late 1800s and looks at how nationalism has changed over time—whether it’s been about freedom, religion, or revolution.

The book shows how nationalism can bring people together or divide them with the thoughts of figures like Gandhi and Nehru, reminding us that true nationalism should be about inclusivity, freedom, and caring for everyone. Habib’s book is a guide to understanding the complexity of Indian nationalism and encourages us to think about an inclusive and better future.

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The Great March of Democracy

Title: The Great March of Democracy

Author: Edited by S. Y. Quraishi

Publisher: Penguin Viking

Price: 602

Pages: 320


A collection of insightful essays, this is a diverse panorama of perspectives from scholars, politicians, activists, and more that reflects India’s unique electoral journey. The essays span the evolution of the Election Commission, the inaugural electoral roll, election laws, and the deepening of democratic institutions.

It also tackles contemporary challenges, including the impact of money and criminalization in politics, addressing proposed electoral reforms.

The volume also explores how India’s electoral experience has inspired neighboring nations like Nepal and Bhutan. The collective wisdom presented in The Great March of Democracy makes it an attractive exploration of India’s democratic legacy with insights and perspectives.

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When Crime Pays: Money and Muscle in Indian Politics

Title: When Crime Pays: Money and Muscle in Indian Politics

Author: Milan Vaishnav

Publisher: HarperCollins

Price: 435

Pages: 436


When Crime Pays by Milan Vaishnav is a groundbreaking work that boldly and detailedly shows the relationship between crime and democratic processes in the world’s largest democracy, India.

In this revealing study, Vaishnav confronts the coexistence of criminality and politics, asking questions about the sustainability of free and fair elections within an environment rife with crime.
The book looks at the paradoxical dynamics leading political parties to actively recruit candidates with dubious reputations and the reasons behind voters electing, and even re-electing, those with pending criminal charges. Drawing on extensive fieldwork, comprehensive surveys, and an original database on politicians’ backgrounds, Vaishnav presents the complexities of this symbiotic relationship with a thought-provoking and eye-opening perspective on the intersection of crime and democracy in Indian politics.

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Amritesh Mukherjee

Amritesh doesn't know what to do with his life, so he writes. He also doesn't know what to write, so he reads. Gift him a book if you chance upon him and he'll love you forever.

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