Ruskin Bond
HarperCollins India
May 19, 2024
Final Verdict

About the Author

One of the most beloved Indian authors, Ruskin Bond is known for the simplicity in his writings that are targeted toward young readers and depict the inherent beauty of nature and human relationships. His stories are often set in the lofty Himalayan landscapes, and his stories continue to evoke nostalgia and warmth in readers of all ages.
Other Works By Ruskin Bond
The Blue Umbrella
The Room on the Roof
The Girl on the Train
Cherry Tree
The Night Train at Deoli

Ruskin Bond’s How to be Happy Review: A Guide to Happiness

Neha Kirpal reviews How to be Happy by Ruskin Bond (published by HarperCollins India, 2024).

One of India’s most well-known writers, Landour-based Ruskin Bond’s latest book, How to be Happy, was released this summer as he turned 90. The book is full of gentle words of advice and pearls of wisdom from someone whose own life exemplifies happiness, contentment, and joy derived from life’s simple pleasures, such as the beauty of nature and the written word. 

“Happiness will come your way if you don’t run after it,” he advises his readers at the very outset. “Chase a butterfly and it will fly away. Stay still, and it may settle on your hand,” he writes.

Inner Happiness and Acts of Kindness

Further, Bond explains that happiness is inside each one of us, so we can’t find it anywhere outside ourselves – whether on a menu card, a TV set or online. According to Bond, just a few kind words of encouragement or praise can make all the difference to someone. “Be kind to people, be grateful for small favours, listen to children, help them if you can,” he writes.

How to be Happy

“Praise a youngster for his or her creative efforts – a painting, a story written, a song rendered, a recitation – you will do wonders for their self-esteem. Praise a youngster for his or her prowess in sports – be it football, basketball, croquet or cricket! A little praise, a pat on the back, that’s all a young person needs sometimes. And you will feel better for it too.”

– Ruskin Bond, How to be Happy

The Art of Being Happy

The pursuit of happiness is not something that came all that easily to Bond. When he was a child, his parents separated. For two years, he lived with his father, who suddenly died when the author was just ten years old. Later, he began living with his mother and stepfather. During this period of his life, he often felt lonely, resentful and unwanted. It was only later that he truly discovered the art of being happy – through nature, books and everyday occurrences.

“Read a little, write a little. Listen to music. Take a short walk. And if walking is difficult, go for a drive. And if you can’t do that, open the window and look at the birds, the trees, the cats, dogs, mules, monkeys…look at the people, no two of them are the same. Will we see them again? Will we come this way again? Who knows?”

– Ruskin Bond, How to be Happy

While he admits that it’s impossible for one to be happy all the time, Bond shares ways in which one can uncover the wonders of being alive. According to him, a new day – “a new beginning, a new phase of life spanning out before us” – is the greatest gift of all. Moreover, at his age, he looks upon each day as a bonus. “As time goes on, we have to live within our own minds,” he writes. However, not wanting to take life for granted, he believes in making the most of whatever time is left for him. 

“Savour the moment, make it count. Soak up the sunshine; and if it’s cloudy, admire the cloud patterns; if it rains, take a deep breath and take in the cool clean air, the scent of the earth – for it too must breathe.”

Favourite Quote from How to Be Happy by Ruskin Bond

If you want to feel happy, feel good, forget about yourself for a minute and make someone else happy…


With colourful pictures by Mumbai-based children’s book illustrator, author, and graphic designer Shamika Chaves, How to be Happy will appeal to readers of all ages. It offers life’s little reminders that possibly everyone needs every now and then, making it a highly recommended reading and a great gift.

Picture of Neha Kirpal

Neha Kirpal

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